Student’s Grievances Redressal Cell


The Student Grievance redressal cell is formed to look into the complaints lodged by any student, and judge its merit. The Grievance cell is also authorized to look into matters of harassment. Any student with a genuine complaint may approach the committee members, of the Students’ Grievance Cell. In case the student is not willing to appear in self, grievances may be dropped in writing at the complaint/suggestion box of the Grievance Cell at Administrative Block. Grievances may also be sent through e-mail to the committee chairman of the Grievance Cell.


  • Maintaining the dignity of the College by ensuring an anxiety-free atmosphere in the College through ensuring pleasant student-student relationship and Student-teacher relationship and Student-Staff relationship etc.
  • Encouraging the Students to express their problems freely, without any fear of being victimized. Those students who do not want to appear self can drop his/her complaint in the Complaint/Suggestion Box installed in front of the Administrative Block.
  • College administration recommends students of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another and show harmony in their relationship and be patient whenever any occasion of rift arises.
  • Advising All the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers, and College administration
  • Advise all staff to be demonstrative to the Students and not behave in a hateful manner towards any of them for any reason.


  • The cases will be attended promptly on receipt of written grievances from the students.
  • The cell formally will review all cases and will act accordingly as per the Management policy.
  • The cell will give a report to the authority about the cases attended to and the number of pending cases, if any, which require direction and guidance from the higher authorities.

Procedure for Lodging Complaint

  • The students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing and drop it in boxes.
  • The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
  • The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.

 Committee Members

  1. Dr. V. G. Barsagade (Coordinator)
  2. Shri. S.H. Kinkar
  3. Dr. V.R.Ruikar
  4. Mr. Nikhil Yerpude (Student, M.Com.)

 More Information