On the eve of NAAC 3rd Cycle, the mock visit has been conducted on 10/5/2022. For this Mock visit Dr. D. Bhongade Principal, Jeevanvikas Mahavidyalaya, Katol, (NAAC Assessor), Dr. Urmila Dabir, Principal Rajkumar Kewal Ramani College (NAAC Assessor), Shri. Niranjanji Raut, Vice-president SPM, Katol, Principal Dr. S. K. Navin, and IQAC coordinator Dr. Vikas Barsagade were present during Mock visit. The team visited to the different departments and suggested various improvements in the presentation and infrastructure. After the Mock viste, an Exit meet was conducted for all the teaching and nonteaching members of the college. Dr. D. Bhongade and Dr. Urmila Dabir addressed and guided the entire Nabira Team and instructed to modify the structure in a qualitative and quantitative way. Shri Niranjanji Raut extended their warm greetings to the College team for the success of the NAAC visit.