PG(Post Graduation Courses) :

CLASS Subject
A) Grant in aid Courses-
M.Com (80 Seats)
Semester-I 1. Advance Financial Accounting
3. Managerial Economics
2. Indian Financial System
4. Marketing Management
Semester-II 1. Research Methodology
3. Co-operation & Rural Development
2. Advanced Cost Accounting
4. Human Resource Management
Semester-III 1. Advance Management Accounting
3. Computer Application in Commerce
2. Tax Procedure & practice
4. Service Sector Management
Semester-IV 1. Statistical Analysis
3. Enterpreneurship Development
2. Internationl Business Environment
4. Project
B) Self Financing Courses(Non-Grant)
M.A (History) (40 Seats)
Semester-I 1. Historiography
3. Indian National Movement 1905-1947
2. India Under Company’s Rule 1757-1856
4. Modern World 1914-1950
Semester-II 1. Trends and Theories of History
3. Independent India 1947-2000
2. India Under Companys Rule 1757-1856
4. Contemporary World 1950-1950
Semester-III 1. Emergence of Maratha Power in 17th century
3. Economic History of India: 1757-1857
2. State in Ancient and Medieval India
4. History of Medieval Vidarbha
Semester-IV 1. Expansion of Maratha Power 1707-1818
3. Economic History of India: 1858-1947
2. State in British India
4. History of Modern Vidarbha
M.A (Marathi) (40 Seats)
Semester-I 1.प्राचीन मध्युगीन मराठी गद्य
3.विशेष वाड्मय प्रकार : नाटक (स्वातंत्र्यपूर्व कालखंड)
2.अर्वाचीन मराठी कविता (१८८५ ते १९४५)
4. साहित्यशास्त्र भाग १
Semester-II 1.अर्वाचीन मराठी गद्य
3.विशेष वाड्मय प्रकार : नाटक (स्वातंत्र्यपूर्व कालखंड)
2.महायुधोत्तर मराठी कविता (१९४५ ते २०००)
4. साहित्यशास्त्र भाग 2
Semester-III 1.प्राचीन मध्युगीन मराठी कविता : भाग १
3. भाषाविज्ञान भाग – १
2.विशेष ग्रंथकार : संत ज्ञानेश्वर
4. प्राचीन व मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयेतिहास (प्रारंभापासून इ. स. १८०० पर्यन्त)
Semester-IV 1.प्राचीन व मध्ययुगीन मराठी कविता भाग – २
3. भाषा विज्ञान भाग – २
2.विशेष ग्रंथकार : भालचंद्र नेमाड़े
4.अर्वाचीन मराठी वाङ्मय इतिहास (इ.स.1800 ते २०००)
M.Sc. (Chemistry) (16 Seats)
Semester-I 1. Inorganic Chemistry
3. Physical Chemistry
2. Organic Chemistry
4. Analytical Chemistry
Semester-II 1. Inorganic Chemistry
3. Physical Chemistry
2. Organic Chemistry
4. Analytical Chemistry
Semester-III & IV 1. Spectroscopy
3. Organic Chemistry (Special II)
2. Organic Chemistry (Special I)
4. Polymer Chemistry (Elective)
M.Sc. (Mathematics) (22 Seats)
1. Algebra – I
3. Topology – I
2. Real Analysis – I
4. Linear Algebra and Differential Equation
1. Algebra – II
3. Topology – II
5. Classical Methods
2. Real Analysis – II
4. Differential Geometry
1. Complex Analysis
3. Mathematical Methods
2. Functional Analysis
4. Core Elective Paper (Any One)
i. Fluid Dynamics-I
ii. General Relativity
iii. Operations Research-I
1. Dynamical Systems
3. Advanced Numerical Methods
2. Partial Differentions
4. Core Elective Paper (Any One)
i. Fluid Differential Equations-II
ii. Cosmology
iii. Operations Research – II
M.Sc. (Microbiology) (20 Seats)
Semester-I 1. Microbial Diversity and Evolution
3. Enzymology and Techniques
2. Microbial Metabolism
4. Microbial Ecology
Semester-II 1. Advance Techniques in Microbiology
3. Microbial Methods for Environment Management
2. Membrane Structure and Signal Transduction
4. Microbial Metabolites
Semester-III 1. Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
3. Bioinformatics
2. Immunology and Immunodiagnostics
4. Microbial Fermentation Technology
Semester-IV 1. Molecular Biology and Genetics
3. Drugs, Vaccines and Delivery Systems
2. Virology
4. Recombinant DNA Technology
MBA (- Seats)
Semester-I 1.
Semester-II 1.
Semester-III 1.
Semester-IV 1.